
My name is Molly, and I am your tour guide...err, I mean blogger.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

MERRY CHRISTMAS...and all that Jazz


We've now reached the middle holiday, Christmas.  Such a controversial holiday.  To say 'Happy Holidays' or 'Merry Christmas,' that is the question.  Personally, I'm perfectly fine with Merry Christmas (as evidenced by above exclamation).  It's fun, though!  Usually.  This year I feel like it snuck up on me something serious.  I feel wholly unprepared.  The list of presents I have for people is short compared to what I need to have. Wednesday and Thursday shopping for me.  I hope there's something left to get! 

Today I went to and downloaded a bunch of free Christmas mp3s!  Steal!  That might become a habit.  I did it last year, too.  There's some decent stuff on there for free. 

Also, at work I was in charge of putting the Christmas Eve show together.  I am very proud of how it came out. :)  We had other staff members tell their favorite/most impactful Christmas memories and I put them all together and added music.  I hope people like it.  It's very different from what I do for day to day shows. There are some beautiful/funny/heart touching stories, too. It's worth the listen.

Another thing:  I finished my scarf! Gosh. Took long enough.  It's a little shorter than I'd like, but the black yarn ran out before the gray! What the...?  They were the same brand, same size and everything. I feel jipped. 

As far as wedding planning goes, we had a pivitol moment last week.  We realized while we browsed church websites over lunch that we don't have the time to hunt down a venue on our own.  We decided to ask our mothers to see if they could help us out.  Our budget is little, and all the venues we've looked at eat a good chunk out of it.  We found a church that will do it for $300 and then a little more for a reception or something similar, but it's a Baptist church and doesn't allow dancing.  I really want dancing.  That's one of the few things I've always imagined at my wedding.

On another note, hopefully soon I'll have another post.  Something a little more interesting than an update on my life. :) 

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