"Where are the plans?"
Do you remember that line? It's from one of the opening scenes of Star Wars Episode IV. Darth Vader has one of the 'red shirts' (mixing Sci-Fi references!) by the throat and is demanding to know where the plans that R2-D2 stole went. My dad used to do that to my brother growing up after we saw that movie. Not the choking, mind you. He'd grab my brother around the neck with one hand, my brother would grab my dad's wrist with both of his hands so there wouldn't be any pressure on his neck, and dad would lift him up and say, "Where are the plans?" Then we'd all giggle. None of us girls really had the arm strength to hold on like that, but it was a funny little family thing we did.
Recently, I've still been saying, "Where are the plans?" but I am not participating in a family joke. I'm starting to wonder quite seriously what the plans are because whatever I do plan goes right out the window. Wedding planning would be a good example. We ask an ordained friend of ours to perform our wedding and then find out he can't because he has a mandatory class that day for the adoption he and his wife are trying to go through. We've since asked other people to do it and keep getting no for an answer. Then, we set up a time, finally, for counseling and the day it is supposed to start, tragedy befell the couple who was supposed to counsel us in the form of the wife having a stroke. Now we are searching for new counselors as well. Also, we had counted on a certain living arrangement to work out and as of this week, that's a no go. Non-wedding related, I planned to go visit my big sister's family (brand new niece included!), but got sick the week I was scheduled to go and had to cancel. This has all taken place in the last month.
God apparently has other plans. Now I'm just waiting to see them. At this point, I think I've gotten past a good amount of the frustration and just want to know, "Ok then, what is the next step?"
On the upside though, we'll start sending out invitations soon! We got them finalized this weekend and will get them printed up ASAP. I'm glad we made progress somewhere. We also rescheduled my trip to visit my big sister and I'm going to bring my youngest sister along! It will be her first plane ride.
And now...I'm ready for lunch.
Molly~ I am so glad I found your blog :) I look forward to getting to know you more. Hang in there my friend, everything will come together perfectly. Just think of all the memories you will have. Enjoy this time because it flies by. Before you will know you'll be married and you will see Gods hand in all of it. Also, for me when things to be not working out, I believe that the enemy is trying to discourage me and I tell him you will NOT win! Hang in there girl, God has an awesome plan for your wedding, it is going to be better then you could imagine.