There are so many events that make up life. It's just overwhelming to think about. Do you ever listen to the stories from your grandparents? Or even your parents? They have really experienced so much in life. All those events that happen seemingly 'stand alone' make up life. They also make for an entertaining afternoon talking in the living room.
Right now, I'm just starting to really collect those experiences. I hope I will have some entertaining ones. I want my grandkids to tell my stories to all of their awesome friends.
This is not what I really wanted to post, but I don't have the pictures downloaded yet that I want to share, so this is what I'm posting!
May 11th, against our better judgment and original plans, we bought a dog. Our original plan was to buy a dog when one of us could be home all day so the dog could be trained properly. One day while I was waiting for something at work before I could do my job, I wandered onto to fill the time and went to the pets section. At the top I found this ad with 3 pictures of adorable puppies. Husky/Lab/Mastiff mixes. Four months old. $50. I sent the link to my husband and minutes later got a call with, 'How could you send that to me? I want to go get one.' We talked a little bit and arranged to go see them and well...we came home with Kuma.
Kuma means bear in Japanese. He was the mellowest of the puppies, but he'd also already gotten into a lot of trouble before we bought him! He had surgery for intestinal blockage after he chewed off and swallowed carpet foam padding. Also, a short time before we got him he had chewed on a TV cable and burnt his lip. We think maybe that's why he's so mellow...Maybe. Maybe he's just sneaky that way.
He really is a pretty well behaved dog. He's caught on to potty training pretty well. Sometimes if we're not paying attention, he decides he can't hold it anymore and we find a puddle but that is becoming less and less frequent. He is also a scaredy dog. We've found that he might be terrified of open spaces. When I take him out in all of the green grass by the ballfield, he puts his ears back, tucks his tail, and bolts (as far as the leash will let him). Poor thing. If I can figure out how to mobile post, I'll try to post a picture from my phone of our adorable puppy.
My husband and I are still living in his grandmother's basement, waiting to move. We will be approaching 2 months of marriage soon. We have lived all except one week (our honeymoon) in the basement. This is the reason why it was against our better judgment to go ahead and buy a dog. This long process is getting quite stressful on all of the parties involved. Communication skills are being tested to the max. Personally, eating out has worn off it's appeal. I long to have a kitchen! Yet, despite our impatience and frustration, we are provided for where we are at even if it's not what we'd like.
I am playing softball this summer! This is the first time I've taken part in an organized sport (if you don't count dance/dance team). It's fun. :) I get butterflies in my stomach before the games. Last Tuesday, I struck out but we still won handily! If I play on the field, I play catcher which I enjoy. Not a lot of pressure. Heehee....
These are just a few of the things going on in my life right now. Maybe someday, I will tell my grandkids in the living room about what my life was like and they will be amazed. :D
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