
My name is Molly, and I am your tour guide...err, I mean blogger.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Houston, we have a problem...

There is this thing called 'nesting' to which I have been recently introduced.  Nesting is usually defined as something a pregnant lady does ("Baby is coming. Must clean!!!"), but it is not uncommon for newlywed wives to also have this urge to build a home.

Feminists would absolutely balk at this.  That would mean that women are instinctually mothers.  I wonder how they explain their sudden needs to clean and decorate.  I believe that women are generally hardwired to lean toward certain tendencies that define what is feminine.  Nesting is certainly one of those things.

Nesting is a LOT of fun if you can do it.  You clean and de-clutter and rearrange and decorate.  You make the space that is yours much more your own.  You get this sudden urge to make it better.  Make it perfect.  Scrubbing, painting, moving, selling, giving away, buying.  Revamping!

Just this past weekend, my hubby and I made the move from his grandmother's basement to his parents' house.  We are switching places with them.  I use the term 'switching' in the present participle because we are still in the process.  To give you an indication, my man and I agreed at lunch that moving into an empty house is much easier.  That's why I'm calling Houston about a problem.  My nester is jammed!

Part of my problem is that I've had a long time to imagine (fantasize?) about what I could do with the space once we decided we had made the trade.  I think I have arrived at many unrealistic visions for not only our current monetary situation but also the shape of the space.  Not to mention, my vision is not like my husbands.  We had a funny moment the other day about his posters.  Michael has quite a collection of posters.  We moved the TV into place and looked at the blank wall space above it.  Michael wanted something there, and he said he had something in mind but I wouldn't like it.  He was right!  It was a Simpsons poster that looked like the Soprano's logo.  I'm ok with that in the computer room, I said, but not the living room.

Yet, my husband is the best thing for me during this.  My jammed nester is both frustrating and overwhelming to me.  There is so much left to do!  Michael calmly tells me to take it one room at a time, assures me we will get it done, and instructs me not to take on the whole house at once or I will breakdown (like I did today at lunch!).  His logic is good for my emotions.  :)

Tonight, we go home to unpack some more and make room for our wedding gifts which have been sitting unopened in my parents' basement since the wedding.  At some point, we'll un-bury our boxes of kitchen stuff and we'll buy groceries so I can start cooking and baking.  SO EXCITED for that.

Until next time, I'll be nesting and packing and unpacking and trying my best to keep my nester unjammed.

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