
My name is Molly, and I am your tour guide...err, I mean blogger.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Updating: Life in General

My last post was about my 'jammed nester' and I am happy to report that we are slowly making progress!  We actually had someone stay in the guest room this past week (though, it was just a queen size mattress on the floor surrounded with our stuff still)!  My husband also almost has his computer room all set up.  I am slowly, and I mean  s   l   o   w   l   y  getting the kitchen put together.  I cooked dinner last night and we ate at the table!  YAY! 

Concerning decorating, Michael and I are searching for posters we both like.  The one he already has that we both love would be a fortune to frame and dangerous to dry mount since it is no longer available in the size he has.  We'll get there. :)

So here I am at work, feeling much less productive than I imagine myself being if I was at home.  Laundry and dishes to do, messes to clean up, floors to sweep, boxes to unpack!  However, I also took a moment to look through some facebook pictures of my man and started to think about life as it was last year.  It was fun.  There are milestones to look forward to now.

In 21 days, we will have been together for a year.  (All of you who were aghast at our speed may now gasp).  It's neat for me.  Last time I was in an official long term relationship, it was officially over on our one year anniversary.  I'm excited to reach 1 year because I know Michael isn't going anywhere.  I'm excited to count the coming years as well. 

My sister and her family have been in town for a while which is awesome.  What's not so awesome is that they leave on Saturday and I feel like I've barely seen them at all.  Working stinks.  :/  My siblings get to spend all this time with her and her baby.  I'm here at work in front of a computer screen all week while they're entertaining the baby and interacting with my sister and her husband.  Boo.

It's been thunderstorms for several days in a row now, here.  It's just like it used to be when I was a little kid!  Afternoon thunderstorms over the mountains.  We used to sit and watch while eating popsicles on the back porch until it got closer and we ran scared.  For as much as the dog seemed to LOATHE fireworks, he doesn't seem to mind thunder much.

Speaking of the dog, he's starting to get bigger.  Not just in size, but also in mentality.  He's grown out of the puppy 'love everyone' stage and he's started to bark.  Not constantly, just more often.  We've determined I shall never be snuck up upon while doing laundry, or just facing away from the world.  He even barks at my husband, like he did this morning while I was making our lunch in the kitchen, when they approach or walk by when I'm facing a wall.  While I know I'm protected by him, we're going to have to work on that. 

He's also lost his baby teeth.  Michael said you never really see them, but Kuma decided to prove him wrong by losing 2 in front of us on different occasions.  His big dog teeth are coming in and they look much too large for his mouth at the moment.  Right now though, he's struggling with chewing a little bit because he's got his front teeth in, his molars in, and everything between is missing.  Cute puppy.

Well, that's all for now.  That's the update on life right now.  Until next time!

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