
My name is Molly, and I am your tour guide...err, I mean blogger.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Fresh and New


*cricket*  *cricket*
Uhm...well yes, it has been a while since I surfaced in the blog-osphere.  Yet, I have returned with a new motivation to write just as inconsistently as I ever did.  (Hey, I'm trying to be realistic here.)  

Hopefully this blog will do a few things for both anyone who happens to read it and myself:

1. For the reader- provide a chuckle or two and some amusement.
2. For the reader- keep you current on my life if you're so inclined.
3. For the reader and me- provide an avenue for me to share things I find fun, helpful, or useful.
4. For me- help me decompress and think things through in writing. 
5. For me- help me exercise my brain and creativity. 

Those are the five I can think of off of the top of my head.  I do so hope this will be beneficial to both parties, even if I am one of 10 billion blogs on the internet filled with inane ramblings of both the famous personalities and the average internet user.  Well, here's adding my two cents in with the rest. 

Good surfing to ya!

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