
My name is Molly, and I am your tour guide...err, I mean blogger.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Matrimonious Decisions Pt. 1
This woulda helped. (borrowed from
"So, honey, which ones?"

I stared at my list ... well, listlessly.  I didn't want to decide.  

Decisions have never been easy for me. Even the unimportant, stupid ones.  I kept staring. I had to answer my fiance eventually. 

A few weeks ago we started our wedding planning process. If you have any inclination as to what goes into wedding planning, you'll know that it involves COUNTLESS decisions on the part of the bride:

Venue. Budget. Reception. Flowers. Dresses. Tuxes. Decor. Vows. Ceremony. Wedding party. Guests. Food. *

(*Not necessarily in that order)

That Sunday afternoon, we decided to tackle the guest list.  I figured once we had that, we could have a better idea of what venues to look at which would help us guesstimate a budget.  We were kind of hoping to see roughly 200, if that.  My love opened a spreadsheet and made 3 columns:  Invite, Announcement, and Maybe.  I told him to start with his list.  He almost effortlessly stuck names in slots under the columns he desired.  Bam, bam, bam. They were all there.  Then it was my turn.

"Where should we start?"

Of course, my family went under "Invite" but they weren't the hard part (though knowing which of them will come is kind of a gamble).  Everyone else was.  Do I really need all of these people?  Old friends. College friends. Neighbors.

To give you a little insight into how I processed this, I will tell you I'm the kind of person who is a people-pleaser.  I don't like confrontation.  I have a hard time saying no to people.  Put simply, I'm a wuss.  There, I said it.  Now that you know that, to say trying to decide where to categorize my guests was frustrating would be accurate.  I didn't want to decide, but I knew I had to.

Eventually, we found a place for everyone (I'd be willing to say more than 3/4ths of my guests ended up in the "Invite" column still).  My fiance totaled it all up.


Tadaa! More than 400 people total in the columns! OMG. Really. So much for me being decisive. "Just throw them all in the 'Invite' column. We'll be fine."

This wedding planning is going to be ... an experience.

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